(adapted from JOSE L RISCO @ www.myrestaurantmarketing.com )

Your clients go to your restaurant looking for an experience.

They are looking for a sentiment, a sensation.

They want to feel special (we all want to feel special, don't we?) and if you are able to provide them with what they crave the most, this simple fact can totally transform your business.

Eating is a social event that we normally enjoy surrounded by other people.

A frustrated client for sure will not come back, he will probably tell all his friends how bad the place is, and recommend to everybody who crosses his path to avoid it like the plague.

Most restaurants spend lots of money trying to attract new customers to squeeze from them all the money they can, for as little effort as possible.

If you want to really succeed, if you want your restaurant to be a place where people want to come back time and again, you need to be different.

Most restaurant owners fall in love with their place, their own food, their own atmosphere, they think that they have the coolest place in town...

Do not make this mistake; instead, fall in love with your clients.

Nobody wants to recommend or revisit a place where his experience was less than excellent and studies show that people's opinions have four times the credibility of any other form of promotion.

You need to re-engineer your place, your staff, and your whole business around your clients. The point of your entire place, of your entire business existence is to make your clients happy.

And because of this, think about your other clients: your employees, your food providers.

Work with them as well. Put them at the center of your efforts.
They are a very important part of your business.

If they do not perform your whole operation will fail.

Related Post: Ten Ways to Improve your Restaurant Service

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